ATTENTION: We are aware of issues with file processing beginning on 7/13/2024 and lasting for several days. Our developers are working on a solution for the problem. We do not have an ETA for completion, but it is a top priority. Thank you for your patience.
WV Board of Pharmacy RxDataSystems CSAPP

Welcome to CSAPP

Who submits prescription data?
All licensees who dispense Schedule II, III, IV and V controlled substances, along with opioid antagonists, to residents of West Virginia must provide the dispensing information to the West Virginia Board of Pharmacy each 24-hour period.

Who can access the web site?
  • Physicians
  • Pharmacists
  • Dentists
  • Physician Assistants
  • Advanced Practice Nurses
  • Other Prescribers and Dispensers
  • Opioid Antagonist/Non-Control Reporting Users

The West Virginia Board of Pharmacy and its private contractor keep patient information strictly confidential, in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules.

The data is housed in a high security, HIPAA-compliant database. The data will be accessible to Prescribers and Dispensers who have been credentialed and who agree to confidentiality requirements for access to and the use of this information.

Prescribers and pharmacists authorized to access the patient information, must certify before each search that they are seeking data solely for the purpose of providing healthcare to current patients. Authorized users agree that they will not provide access to any other individuals, including members of their staff unless and until they are authorized as delegates.

A prescriber or pharmacist who accesses or discloses information for any purpose other than providing healthcare to a current patient or verifying the record of prescriptions issued by the prescriber, or who allows any other individuals to access the information using the prescriber’s or pharmacist’s own access codes, is subject to civil penalties for each offense and disciplinary action by the prescriber’s or pharmacist’s professional licensing board.

Any individual who suspects that another individual or entity has accessed or disclosed patient information in violation should immediately contact the Administrator or the Executive Director and CSMP Administrator